Our Mission

Making Affordable Medicines Available To All

Bringing our purpose to life

#MakingAffordableMedicinesAvailableToAll becomes real when patients can access high-quality, safe and innovative medicines at a fair price.

Every day we make sure patients get the highest level of quality, safety and innovation at an affordable price and their treatment continues without interruption.

We make it happen thanks to our two businesses.

1. Our Generics Business

We aim to meet medicine needs by developing and launching needs-based products on the market.

We provide our partners with high quality, up to date product documentation and expert support to enable successful product launches across the world, on topics such as:

  • Development of generics
  • Compilation of registration dossiers for the EU and US
  • Obtaining marketing authorizations, and more.

As always, our vision for customers and their patients is to #MakingAffordableMedicineAvailableToAll.

2. The Pharmacy House

We aim to fully become the one-stop-shop partner for the Benelux retail and hospital pharmacists, building on our experience in parallel import and the integration of the Eco.Pharma.Supply group.

Identifying pharmaceutical products and medical devices which are not sufficiently available in the Benelux, sourcing them in the EU markets in order to provide them to pharmacy chains, hospitals, wholesalers and distributors is our goal.

Our pharmacy house is the result of our expertise, agility, and flexibility to bridge the gaps in the pharmaceutical industry. By offering premium service to the pharmacists, we want to enable them to focus on their main mission: helping patients.

Our stories

Our numbers in 2023

More about us

months of missing treatments were delivered to Belgian pharmacies alone thanks to our parallel import business


Belgian patients that would have lacked their medication at home or in the hospital, if it were not for our Pharmacy House shortage solutions


boxes of medicines in shortage, supplied worldwide through 5 of our generic products


Predicted estimated CO2 savings thanks to newly launched ESG initiatives

More about us